Monday, March 31

Union Hall Gallery Inaugurates with ‘The Art of Experience’: A Fusion of Local and Bi-National Art

Martha Moramay Cuevas. Photo credit – Carl Fischer

SAN DIEGO – Golden Hill, San Diego, welcomes a new cultural landmark as Union Hall Gallery opens its doors to the public. In collaboration with Santa Ysabel Art Gallery, Union Hall Gallery proudly announces its debut exhibition, “The Art of Experience,” showcasing the works of sculptor Ted Berryman and the late Martha Moramay Cuevas, an abstract painter from Tijuana.

Running from May 4th to June 16th, this exhibition breathes life into a collection originally intended for a bi-national showcase in Baja in 2020. Ted Berryman’s sculptures, crafted from reclaimed materials, beckon viewers into a profound exploration of human interaction within art. Martha Moramay Cuevas, renowned for her ethereal paintings, invites audiences on a cross-border journey of artistic expression.

“The Art of Experience” stands as both a tribute to Cuevas’ enduring legacy and a celebration of the vibrant artistic exchange between San Diego and its southern neighbor. Union Hall Gallery, with its roots deeply embedded in San Diego’s labor history as the former headquarters of the Carpenters Union, has transformed into a vibrant hub for cultural exchange. Now, it stands as a testament to cross-border cooperation, fostering collaboration among local and bi-national artists and amplifying their diverse voices.

SAN DIEGO – Golden Hill, San Diego, da la bienvenida a un nuevo hito cultural mientras Union Hall Gallery abre sus puertas al público. En colaboración con la Galería de Arte Santa Ysabel, Union Hall Gallery anuncia con orgullo su exposición de debut, “El Arte de la Experiencia”, que presenta las obras del escultor Ted Berryman y la fallecida Martha Moramay Cuevas, una pintora abstracta de Tijuana.

Esta exposición, que se desarrollará del 4 de mayo al 16 de junio, da vida a una colección originalmente destinada a una exhibición binacional en Baja en 2020. Las esculturas de Ted Berryman, elaboradas a partir de materiales reciclados, invitan a los espectadores a una profunda exploración de la interacción humana dentro del arte. Martha Moramay Cuevas, famosa por sus pinturas etéreas, invita al público a un viaje transfronterizo de expresión artística.

“El Arte de la Experiencia” es tanto un homenaje al legado perdurable de Cuevas como una celebración del vibrante intercambio artístico entre San Diego y su vecino del sur. Union Hall Gallery, con sus raíces profundamente arraigadas en la historia laboral de San Diego como la antigua sede del Sindicato de Carpinteros, se ha transformado en un vibrante centro de intercambio cultural. Ahora, se erige como un testimonio de cooperación transfronteriza, fomentando la colaboración entre artistas locales y binacionales y amplificando sus diversas voces.