Tuesday, March 11

Local San Diego

City of San Diego to Invest $12.2 Million Into Citywide Arts and Culture Activities
Local San Diego, Politics

City of San Diego to Invest $12.2 Million Into Citywide Arts and Culture Activities

SAN DIEGO – To promote greater public participation in artistic and cultural activities, the City of San Diego will grant funds to 186 local nonprofit organizations this fiscal year. The funding will support programs and activities such as film and video screenings, exhibits, performances, festivals, parades and other neighborhood events. "From San Ysidro to Rancho Bernardo, we are investing in our city's dynamic cultural sector to ensure all San Diegans have access to meaningful arts experiences," said Mayor Todd Gloria. "Our annual support of local arts and cultural organizations fosters a stronger economy, creates more jobs, gives our city a sense of identity and enhances the lives of San Diegans and our visitors from around the world."  The City's Commission ...
El CDPH Publica una Declaración que Advierte que se Espera Calor Extremo Durante el Fin de Semana del 4 de Julio
Local San Diego

El CDPH Publica una Declaración que Advierte que se Espera Calor Extremo Durante el Fin de Semana del 4 de Julio

SACRAMENTO – El Departamento de Salud Pública de California (CDPH) insta a los californianos a protegerse del calor extremo durante el fin de semana del 4 de julio y los meses restantes del verano manteniéndose frescos, hidratados, conectados e informados. "Las olas de calor del verano pueden ser peligrosas, especialmente para los niños pequeños, los adultos mayores, las personas con enfermedades crónicas y discapacidades, los trabajadores al aire libre, las personas sin hogar y las embarazadas", dijo el director del CDPH y funcionario estatal de salud pública, el Dr. Tomás Aragón. "Es importante protegerse a sí mismo y a sus seres queridos consultando a amigos y familiares que puedan necesitar ayuda, monitoreando los pronósticos del tiempo, manteniéndose hidratado, limitando el tiempo...
Education, Local San Diego, Politics

Secretary Cardona Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on College Affirmative Action Programs

Today, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona issued the following statement on the Supreme Court's ruling on college affirmative action programs:  "Today's Supreme Court decision takes our country decades backward, sharply limiting a vital tool that colleges have used to create vibrant, diverse campus communities. Students of color have long faced inequities in education and college access, and today's ruling is yet another blow to the fight for equal opportunity. As we consider today's decision, our commitment to educational opportunity for all Americans is unshaken, and our efforts to promote diversity in higher education are undeterred. The Department of Education is a civil rights agency, committed to equal access and educational opportunity for all students." "I want ...
Birch Aquarium Organiza un Concurso de Fotografía de Pingüinos
Local San Diego

Birch Aquarium Organiza un Concurso de Fotografía de Pingüinos

Birch Aquarium at Scripps | Photo: Jordann Tomasek La Jolla — Birch Aquarium en Scripps Institution of Oceanography en UC San Diego está celebrando el primer aniversario de Beyster Family Little Blue Penguins con un concurso de fotografía. A partir de hoy, la comunidad está invitada a publicar su foto favorita tomada en la exhibición más nueva (y más linda) del acuario. Para participar, publique una imagen en Instagram o Facebook, etiquete Birch Aquarium y use #BirchPenguinPhoto y dígale al acuario por qué eligió esa foto en el pie de foto. El concurso cierra el 2 de julio de 2023. Las sugerencias de fotos incluyen selfies familiares, una foto de su pequeño pingüino azul favorito o simplemente un recuerdo favorito en la exhibición. Tenga en cuenta que los participantes deben ser res...
SDCCU “Stuff the Bus” Está Recaudando Donaciones Monetarias para Suministros de Regreso a la Escuela para los más de 20,000 Estudiantes sin Hogar en el Condado de San Diego
Local San Diego

SDCCU “Stuff the Bus” Está Recaudando Donaciones Monetarias para Suministros de Regreso a la Escuela para los más de 20,000 Estudiantes sin Hogar en el Condado de San Diego

Del 26 de junio al 31 de julio, done en línea o en cualquier tienda de Jersey Mike en el condado de San Diego. SAN DIEGO - Los niños enfrentan muchas dificultades, los útiles escolares no deberían ser una de ellas. Es por eso que SDCCU Stuff the Bus una vez más está recaudando donaciones monetarias para comprar útiles escolares para estudiantes sin hogar, para ayudar a preparar a estos estudiantes para el éxito en el próximo año escolar. La campaña anual Stuff the Bus, ahora en su noveno año, se lanzó en asociación con San Diego County Credit Union® (SDCCU®), la Oficina de Educación del Condado de San Diego y las estaciones de radio iHeartMedia en apoyo de Live Well San Diego. Este año, además de la colección en línea, la comunidad también puede hacer donaciones en la tienda en cualqu...
La Conexion - Things to Do in San Diego, Local San Diego


SOMETHING TO DO - Los Tigres Del Norte performs at the San Diego County Fair. Sunday. 7:30pm. Tickets here. SOMEWHERE TO GO - Mainly Mozart All-Star Orchestra Festival. Last day to enjoy is Sunday 7:30-8:30pm. Tickets here. SOMEWHERE TO EAT - Barrio Food Hall. 20+ food vendors with online ordering and kiosk ordering available. Saturday and Sunday 11am - midnight. More information here. FOR THE FAMILY -  Free Health Resource Fair at the Jacobs Center. Saturday 10am - 1pm. Free diabetes and blood pressure screenings, For the uninsured, mammograms, dental exams and physicals will be available. More information here. FOR THE ADULTS - Flying Embers and partner Donavon Frankenreiter are hosting a “bus-top” concert tour throughout San Diego. At each stop, Donavan will decamp his ...
Members from the World Lacrosse Men’s Championship Stop By Balboa Park’s International Cottages
Local San Diego

Members from the World Lacrosse Men’s Championship Stop By Balboa Park’s International Cottages

San Diego - The World Lacrosse Men’s Championship kicks off today 7:00 pm PDT at Snapdragon Stadium in San Diego.  Yesterday, team captains, team members and those affiliated with each country’s team, were invited to visit The House of Pacific Relations International Cottages in Balboa Park. The Houses of China, Denmark, Italy, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Italy, Denmark, and China were just a few of the 35 cottages on hand with food and drinks ready to greet the international guests. A small way for San Diego to show our appreciation for such a momentous occasion.  (Pictured above: Members from different international cottages standing with their country's flags as they wait to escort the Lacrosse teams to each respective house) Nikolaj Lund, Captain of the Danish Nation...
Five Things to Do This Weekend in San Diego
La Conexion - Things to Do in San Diego, Local San Diego

Five Things to Do This Weekend in San Diego

Something to Do -   Free Charburger Day at Oceanside’s second grand opening of Habit Burger Grill. On Saturday, the first 200 guests starting at 11:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. will receive a FREE Charburger, fries and drink. Must be a CharClub member and present VIP invitation. Something for the Family - Father's Day Cruise to Belmont Park - Car Show. Sunday. 10am - 3pm.  Something For Everyone - Lynard Skynyrd performs on Saturday at the San Diego County Fair. Tickets here. Something to Eat - Plantology Cafe - Oceanside. Open Saturday and Sunday 7am - 5pm.  This weekend only - House of Puerto Rico San Diego presents their annual Dia de San Juan Celebration Lawn Program. Saturday. Open to the public. 
Sycuan’s 32nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament $100K Presented to Four Local Charities
Local San Diego

Sycuan’s 32nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament $100K Presented to Four Local Charities

EL CAJON, CA, June 7/8, 2023 | 2023 Sycuan Cup. Welcome Reception at Retreat Pool & Cabanas on Wednesday, June 7 and Golf Tournament on Thursday, June 8 at Singing Hills Golf Resort. (Chadd Cady / Sycuan Casino Resort) (San Diego, Calif.) – The Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation donated $100,000 to four local charities on Thursday, June 8th at the Sycuan Cup 32nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Singing Hills Golf Resort at Sycuan. The event was kicked off with a fun filled day of golf followed by dinner and an awards ceremony for the tournament's participants made up of representatives from the tribe, event sponsors and the beneficiaries. "Giving back to our community will always be a priority to the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation," said Cody J. Martinez, chairman, Sy...