Tuesday, March 4

Local San Diego

Mayor Gloria Appoints San Diego Native Kirby Brady as City’s First Chief Innovation Officer
Editor's Pick, Local San Diego, Politics

Mayor Gloria Appoints San Diego Native Kirby Brady as City’s First Chief Innovation Officer

  ROLE TO BRING GREATER FOCUS ON DATA-DRIVEN DECISION MAKING, DIVERSITY FOR CITY LEADERSHIP SAN DIEGO – Building on his efforts to diversify city leadership and create an administration reflective of the people it serves, Mayor Todd Gloria has appointed San Diego native Kirby Brady to be the City's first chief innovation officer. As a Black woman, Brady is one of the few women or people of color to be named CIO of a major American city. "I couldn't be prouder to have Kirby Brady as San Diego's first chief innovation officer," Mayor Gloria said. "Kirby's unique experiences coupled with her creativity, drive and passion for civic innovation are going to help our City harness the data and technology we need to stretch taxpayer dollars while providing world-class service for people ...