Monday, March 31


U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid Awards New Contracts to Five Companies to Serve Borrowers, Reduce Delinquency, and Improve Accountability
Education, Politics

U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid Awards New Contracts to Five Companies to Serve Borrowers, Reduce Delinquency, and Improve Accountability

Today, the U.S. Department of Education's (Department's) office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) announced it has signed contracts with five companies to modernize and enhance loan servicing for more than 37 million borrowers with federally managed loans. Central Research, Inc.; EdFinancial Services; Maximus Education, LLC; Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority (MOHELA); and Nelnet Diversified Solutions received contracts today through the Unified Servicing and Data Solution (USDS) solicitation and will implement much-needed improvements to better serve borrowers. This new loan servicing environment is part of the Biden-Harris Administration's sweeping efforts to improve the student loan repayment system and help all borrowers successfully manage their debt.  Th...
Hispanic Access’ Third Annual Latino Advocacy Week Kicks Off March 24

Hispanic Access’ Third Annual Latino Advocacy Week Kicks Off March 24

(Photo credit: Hispanic Access Foundation) WASHINGTON, D.C. – Hispanic Access Foundation’s third annual Latino Advocacy Week begins on March 24 and runs through March 30, 2023. Latino Advocacy Week was launched in 2021 with the goal of helping Latinos become advocates for issues they are passionate about. During this week, various community groups, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, community leaders, and elected officials will champion legislation, capacity building, and advocacy efforts to uplift and support Latinos across the nation.  “Latinos are a growing segment of the U.S. population, and an increasingly active one,” said Maite Arce, President and CEO of Hispanic Access Foundation. “However, there are significant barriers that hinder Latinos’ participation in America’s de...
Local San Diego, Politics


DOWNEY, CA – Governor Gavin Newsom, as part of his tour of the State of California, announced that CalRx has secured a contract with a manufacturer (CIVICA), to make $30 insulin available to all who need it. The Governor also announced today that California will seek to manufacture its own Naloxone. Today's announcement makes good on Governor Newsom's promise on his first day in office, to bring down the price of prescription drugs for Californians and increase accountability and transparency in health care. Californians can learn more about CalRX on the newly launched website. "People should not be forced to go into debt to get life saving prescriptions. Through CalRx, Californians will have access to some of the most inexpensive insulin available, helping them save thous...
California Recupera por Completo todos los Empleos Perdidos por la Recesión Inducida por la Pandemia y Crea Más del 20 % de los Nuevos Empleos del País en Octubre

California Recupera por Completo todos los Empleos Perdidos por la Recesión Inducida por la Pandemia y Crea Más del 20 % de los Nuevos Empleos del País en Octubre

SACRAMENTO – En octubre, California recuperó por completo todos los empleos perdidos durante la recesión inducida por la pandemia. Al agregar más de 56,000 empleos el mes pasado, el estado ahora tiene 30,800 empleos por encima del total previo a la pandemia de febrero de 2020. California marcó el decimotercer mes consecutivo de crecimiento laboral en octubre y representó más del 20% de los nuevos empleos del país. "California ahora ha recuperado por completo todos los trabajos que se perdieron por la recesión inducida por la pandemia, pero sabemos que esta no es la meta", dijo el gobernador Gavin Newsom. "Estamos haciendo inversiones históricas para combatir el aumento de los costos en el estado y traer dinero directamente a sus bolsillos para ayudarlos con los costos diarios. Actualme...
California Makes Largest Investment to Date to Expand Clean Transportation in Underserved Communities
Editor's Pick, Politics

California Makes Largest Investment to Date to Expand Clean Transportation in Underserved Communities

(Pictured above: Governor Gavin Newsom at the California and New Zealand Partner to Advance Global Climate Leadership press conference. Credit: Shuttershock) State announces $3.6 billion in funding for zero-emission vehicles and chargers, with CARB's $2.6 billion for clean vehicles and mobility options and CPUC's $1 billion transportation electrification program  California has advanced a historic $10 billion package to accelerate the transition to zero-emission vehicles and fight climate change SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today lifted up two major actions to advance the state's groundbreaking efforts to get more clean cars, trucks and buses on the road through expanded vehicle purchase incentives and clean transportation infrastructure, especially in underserved are...
Mayor Gloria Joins City’s Human Relations Commision to Issue Proclamation Against Hate in San Diego
Local San Diego, Politics

Mayor Gloria Joins City’s Human Relations Commision to Issue Proclamation Against Hate in San Diego

SAN DIEGO – As part of United Against Hate Week, the City of San Diego has issued a proclamation to stop hate and biases that pose a threat to the safety and civility of our community. Today Mayor Todd Gloria, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California Randy Grossman, San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan and California State University San Marcos Professor Brian Levin joined the City's Human Relations Commission to recognize United Against Hate Week. "The City of San Diego will stand against racism, bullying, inequity, anti-inclusion and discrimination in all forms and wherever it may be," said Mayor Todd Gloria. "Hate has no place in our city. In San Diego, our diversity is our strength and it is something we take pride in. I'm grateful for the Human Relati...
NCTD Ofrecerá Viajes Gratuitos en Transporte Público el Día de las Elecciones para Ayudar a Los Votantes a Llegar a Las Urnas
Local San Diego, Politics

NCTD Ofrecerá Viajes Gratuitos en Transporte Público el Día de las Elecciones para Ayudar a Los Votantes a Llegar a Las Urnas

Oceanside, CA – Oceanside, CA – El Distrito de Tránsito del Norte del Condado (NCTD) ofrecerá viajes gratuitos en autobús y tren para los residentes del Norte del Condado el martes 8 de noviembre, día de las elecciones. Los servicios BREEZE, COASTER, SPRINTER, FLEX y LIFT serán gratuitos para todos los pasajeros el día de las elecciones, lo que garantizará que los residentes del norte del condado puedan llegar a su lugar de votación a través del transporte público para ejercer su derecho al voto. votar. "Ofrecemos viajes gratis a los residentes en uno de los días más importantes para nuestro país: el día de las elecciones", dijo la presidenta de la junta de NCTD y concejal de Solana Beach, Jewel Edson. "Queremos que los residentes del norte del condado tengan todas las oportunidades de...
Governor Newsom Announces $53 Million in New Housing Grants to Help Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

Governor Newsom Announces $53 Million in New Housing Grants to Help Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

SACRAMENTO — Governor Gavin Newsom, with The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), today announced that 12 organizations, funding 14 projects were awarded a total of $53 million in grants to create more residential care options for older adults and adults with disabilities, including people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. A total of 402 beds or units will be created with these funds. This new investment follows $47 million that was awarded to five organizations this past August.  "California is making significant housing investments to support some of our most vulnerable residents – low-income older adults and adults with disabilities – to live with safety and dignity in their communities," said Governor Newsom. "We are supporting local...
El Salario Mínimo por Hora de la Ciudad de San Diego Aumentará a $16.30
Local San Diego, Politics

El Salario Mínimo por Hora de la Ciudad de San Diego Aumentará a $16.30

EL AUMENTO APLICA A TODOS LOS EMPLEADOS QUE TRABAJAN DENTRO DE LA CIUDAD DE SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO – El próximo año muchos habitantes de San Diego recibirán más dinero en sus cheques de pago. A partir del 1 de enero de 2023, los empleados que realicen al menos dos horas de trabajo en una o más semanas calendario del año dentro de los límites geográficos de la ciudad de San Diego recibirán un aumento del salario mínimo de $15 a $16,30 por hora. El cambio está de acuerdo con la Ordenanza de Salario Mínimo y Licencia Ganada por Enfermedad de la Ciudad, aprobada en 2016. "Con el aumento del costo de vida, este aumento no podría llegar en un momento más necesario para los trabajadores y las familias trabajadoras", dijo el alcalde Todd Gloria. "Este aumento significa una mejor capacidad ...
La Administración de Biden-Harris Anuncia la Extensión Final de la Pausa de los Préstamos Estudiantiles
Editor's Pick, Education, Politics

La Administración de Biden-Harris Anuncia la Extensión Final de la Pausa de los Préstamos Estudiantiles

Hoy, el Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. (Departamento) anunció una extensión final de la pausa en el pago de préstamos estudiantiles, intereses y cobros hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2022. Los prestatarios deben planear reanudar los pagos en enero de 2023. Mientras la economía continúa mejorando, COVID los casos permanecen en un nivel elevado, y el presidente ha dejado en claro que el alivio relacionado con la pandemia debe eliminarse de manera responsable para que las personas no sufran daños financieros innecesarios. Para abordar los daños financieros de la pandemia al suavizar la transición de regreso al pago y ayudar a los prestatarios con mayor riesgo de morosidad o incumplimiento una vez que se reanuden los pagos, el Departamento proporcionará la cancelación de la deuda estudi...