Sunday, January 5






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the El Cajon City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 3:00 P.M. in the El Cajon Council Chambers at 200 Civic Center Way, El Cajon, CA 92020 to accept and consider public testimony regarding the adoption of the FY 2021-2022 One Year Action Plan, including the specific projects and activities the City will undertake using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Funds (HOME) during the year, which is the third year of the Five Year Consolidated Plan period (FY 2019-2023).  

Please note that, pursuant to the Governor of the State of California Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, and in the interest of the public health and safety, members of the City Council and Staff may attend the meeting telephonically. Further, Orders from the San Diego County Health Officer prevent persons other than City officials and essential employees to be physically present.  In accordance with the Executive Order, and in compliance with the County Health Officer’s Orders, the public may view the meeting and participate via the City’s website.  Please visit for more details.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the draft FY 2021-2022 One Year Action Plan is available for public review and comment beginning March 11, 2021, for a minimum 30-day period.  A copy of the draft Action Plan may be reviewed at the City of El Cajon Project Assistance Center public counter (First Floor) located at 200 Civic Center Way, El Cajon; at the El Cajon branch of the San Diego County Public Library located at 201 E. Douglas Avenue, El Cajon; and on-line at Written comments will be accepted through April 27, 2021, and should be mailed to City of El Cajon Community Development – Housing, 200 Civic Center Way, El Cajon, CA 92020 (for receipt by April 27, 2021) or emailed to  All comments received as a result of the 30-day public review period and the April 27, 2021 public hearing will be incorporated into the final One Year Action Plan to be submitted to HUD on or about May 14, 2021.


As a condition of the funding each year, the City must prepare and submit a One Year Action Plan which describes the projects and activities the City will undertake during the year to address the priorities and goals set forth in the Five Year Consolidated Plan. For FY 2021-2022, the City anticipates receiving $1,294,037 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding and $604,049 in HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funding.  

The CDBG funds must be utilized to meet one of three national objectives to qualify for funding: 1) benefit low and moderate income persons in the community; 2) aid in the elimination of slum and blight; or 3) meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious threat. The HOME funds must be used “to provide incentives to develop and support affordable rental housing and homeownership affordability through the acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation with suitable amenities, including real property acquisition, site improvement, conversion, demolition and other expenses.”  CDBG and HOME funds may also be used to provide for the payment of reasonable administrative and planning costs, among other things. Each participating jurisdiction is required to set aside 15% of their HOME entitlement for CHDOs. 

In the public hearing on February 23, 2021, the El Cajon City Council approved tentative FY 2021-2022 allocations for projects and activities in the development of the One Year Action Plan, allocating a total of $1,300,000 in CDBG funds, and $630,000 in HOME funds.  On February 25, 2021, HUD released the actual allocation amounts, allocating a total of $1,294,037 in CDBG funds and $604,049 in HOME Funds.  In accordance with City Council direction given at the public hearing, the allocations to projects and programs were adjusted, and as follows:

Comments and requests for additional information about the draft One Year Action Plan should be mailed or delivered to Jamie van Ravesteyn, Housing Manager, Community Development – Housing, City of El Cajon, 200 Civic Center Way, El Cajon, CA 92020, (619) 441-1710.  Comments may also be sent to Comments received as a result of the 30-day public review period and this public hearing will be incorporated into the One Year Action Plan which will be submitted to HUD on or about May 14, 2021.

The City of El Cajon is endeavoring to be in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  This material is available in alternate formats such as large print or computer disk for individuals with disabilities, and will also be made available in Spanish upon request.  If you are a non-English speaking resident or a citizen with speech or hearing impairments, and wish to review the documents or comment at the Public Hearing or require any other form of assistance or auxiliary aids in order to participate at Public Hearings, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (619) 441-1763, as far in advance of the meeting as possible.