Thursday, May 9

Get your Fictitious Business Name Statement published in San Diego the easy way.

Fill out our form, and we’ll reach out to you for payment within 24 hours. Once paid, your fictitious business name statement or other legal notice will be ready to go for our Friday publication—Quick, hassle-free, and wallet-friendly. 




Declaración de nombre comercial ficticio  $40.00
Orden de mostrar causa para el cambio de nombre - Vista $70.00
Orden para mostrar causa para el cambio de nombre - San Diego $85.00
For summons, probates, and more, please contact us for prices. For more detailed information on how we publish Fictitious Business Names and all other legal notices, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.

    ¿Busca su publicación? Haga clic en uno de los siguientes enlaces.

    Declaraciones de nombres comerciales ficticios haga clic aquí,

    Órdenes de cambio de nombre haga clic aquí,

    Summons and all other legal notices click here.

    Avisos públicos, haga clic aquí.

    Política de publicidad legal de Hispanos Unidos:

    Hispanos Unidos is an adjudicated legal newspaper for the County of San Diego. Our service includes four weeks of publication (where applicable) and a proof of publication mailed to the County Clerk or Superior Court on your behalf. Please note, all FBN statements must have a file date within the last 45 days. Once we receive your statement, we will send you an invoice via email. We accept Visa and Mastercard. No personal checks. To ensure the best quality service, we ask that all payments be made prior to publication. A full list of prices can be provided by email. Please contact us for questions.

    Para obtener más información sobre la presentación de una Declaración de Nombre Ficticio de Negocio, por favor visite el San Diego County Accessor/Recorder/County Clerk.