Saturday, March 29

La Gente: Pastor Moses Borjas

La Gente: Pastor Moses Borjas

In a candid conversation, we caught up with Pastor Moses Borjas to explore the fusion of faith, environmental advocacy, and the small yet impactful steps we can take every day. His firsthand experiences and commitment to positive change offer a fresh take on how individuals can play a role in building a sustainable future.

Born in El Paso, Texas, Pastor Moses Borjas carries the rich cultural heritage of his parents’ Mexican roots. His journey found inspiration in his father’s deep connection to the land. “My father always had a way of showing me the importance of taking care of our future generations,” Pastor Borjas reflects. In the echo of his father’s wisdom, he emphasizes, “Whether we want it or not, the future will come and we decide what we’re going to plant today.” He continues, “I think we have two options. Either we’re going to plant a seed of hate, or we’re going to plant a seed of love. I prefer the latter.”

Embracing his father’s legacy, Pastor Borjas has become a prominent figure in the realm of faith-based environmental activism. His collaboration with the Hispanic Access Foundation, a non-profit seamlessly integrating environmental advocacy, community empowerment, and faith-based values, not only reflects his commitment to fostering positive change but also positioned him for participation in COP 28. His participation in COP 28 underscores his commitment to fostering understanding and collaboration. “Being the first year that the Conference of Parties has a faith pavilion is a great thing,” he says. It is not just about tackling environmental issues but building bridges—bridges between communities, between faith and politics, and between the present and the future. In expressing his connection to the environmental cause, Pastor Borjas shares, ‘I’ve always said that the air that we breathe, and in this case climate change, doesn’t have any borders. Air doesn’t have borders. There’s no air for politicians and air for the poor or for the rich—we breathe the same air.”

In addressing the question of how individuals can make a daily impact, Pastor Borjas outlined three fundamental principles. “You have to have the right attitude. If you focus on all the negatives, you’re not going to be able to have the chance to have the passion. That passion is what keeps you a relentless person, even in the midst of obstacles.” Continuing, he stressed the second principle: ”You have to have the right heart. It’s very important to be able to go forward and not give up. You gotta keep pressing, and pressing and pressing.” On the third principle, he stated, “You’re going to have to understand that you cannot please everyone.” 

As he looks ahead, Pastor Moses Borjas envisions a legacy that extends beyond mere inheritance. “My desire is that for not only my children but for many others in the future, they remember a man that had the right attitude, the passion, and the desire to go forward,” 

Pastor Moses Borjas’s story transcends geographical boundaries; it echoes in the hearts of those who encounter it. Rooted in faith and inspired by his father’s wisdom, he emerges as a guardian of the environment and a proponent of a sustainable future. As he sows seeds of positivity, Pastor Borjas embodies the transformative capacity inherent in every individual. He shares, “We have to learn how to make those seeds come to life, engage in such a way that it’s making an impact on our community.”

Article by Pollyana Ramos Tucker