Friday, March 7

Special Guest Post: Author Annette Rodriguez Carreras – Top Five Life Hacks for Recent Grads

by Annette Rodriguez Carreras

So, you’ve graduated: What’s Next?

Congratulations!  All that hard work has paid off!  But now, comes an uncertain future: what’s the next move?  Yes, an annoying question when you’re supposed to be enjoying your day, but it does have value.  Unfortunately, life doesn’t stop to give you a break and most people, myself included when I was in your shoes, do not have all the details worked out. 

But you have the resources to tackle the big question.   And even if you do not know exactly what you want to do, by this time you have an idea of what you like and perhaps what you’re passionate about.  Use these to your advantage.  And if you know what you like to do, but you do not know how to make that work around your field, there’s people who can help you with that.

Allow your mind to rest with these helpful tips to help you make the jump…what’s next?

  1. Use your university’s resources: the career center is a great resource for that next move and can help alumni too! They know the market and how to put you in the best position to land…if not your dream job, then your foot in the door.  Take advantage of it!
  2. Don’t lose sight of your goal:  so maybe you have not landed where you want yet.  But you can get there through a different door.  A plan, a life goal, it never is lineal.  I pursued multiple studies to get to where I am, and multiple avenues before I decided to write a novel and get it published (my dream is to be a screenwriter).  Bottom line, nothing has been a waste.  I am accomplishing goals that come from opportunities I did not envision because I kept my options open.  You’ll get to where you want to be, but maybe not exactly how you envisioned you’d get there.  That’s ok! Keep going!
  3. Find a mentor: when we focus on our goal, we tend to have tunnel vision.  We want something like we envision it…and our opinions can be somewhat…biased. You need someone in your corner, who can see things another way.  You also need support for those days that you feel defeated.  Find one, keep one, and be sure to thank them for their advice.  He or she does not have to be exactly on your field—but perhaps close.  
  4. Find a routine-be consistent: Life is messy and unpredictable.  But you have to stay on top of your work, meet deadlines.  Find out when you’re most productive and use that time to tackle difficult tasks. Have a plan.  Tasks have to get done and pushing close to the deadline is not going to cut it.  Show your employer you’re reliable, and don’t get more overwhelmed than you have to.  Yes, things happen, but to the extent that you can control things by being as prepared as possible, do so. 
  5. Be yourself: Every other personality is taken. Do not shrink yourself to fit in.  Your people will find you.

And don’t forget, make time for your friends, family and hobbies!! Life is for working AND enjoying! Find the joy in your life, your tasks, and your goals.  Be thankful for each new day—it’s another opportunity to make a difference! Go take the world by storm!

Meet Annette “Annie” Rodriguez, a talented writer born in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Partnering with Green Writers Press, her debut novel Lifeforce was published in 2019. But Annie’s journey doesn’t end there; she’s already hard at work on the sequel, Immortality’s Peril. Impressive beyond her writing skills, Annie is also a practicing attorney, holding two Bachelor degrees and two Masters—a true embodiment of excellence.